Saturday, May 26, 2007

Mom and Olga come to visit

These past two weeks, the USA came to visit Down under in the form of Mom and Olga. Maria first meet them is Sydney and was really exciting to have a piece of home down here. We of course had a fun time exploring the city, going to aquirium, the zoo(where we finally saw kangaroos! been in the country 3 months hadnt seen any) went on a river cruise(which we went on the wrong boat which was the longer crusie but no one notice...shhhh) and saw that Sydney had to offer.

The best part we could say about Syndey was celebrating Olga's birthday(she got two days) at the ballet in the Opera House. It was absoulety beautiful and shocking to see the dancers muscles booming out of them. It was great fun.

We then headed to our town, Brisbane. Here we relaxed, explored some parts and saw some of the touristy things.We of course took them to the beach which was a little cold, but its fall here. However the most important thing was having Meixcan food. We hadnt had it in 3 months and of course mom and olga bought mexican food and made homemade tortillas(which they hand rolled with a beer bottle).

Having them here was amazing. It was like we got a little taste of home which we dearly miss! Thank you both for coming...we had an amazing time!

Some of the pictures and videos are contrubted by mom and olga. There is alot which is why this blog is short...we love and miss everyone!

Mom and Olga Down Under

Mom and Olga Down Under Part 2

tour of room

olgas birthday

tour by maria

lunch time




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